Pogreb - key-value store for read-heavy workloads
A few months ago I released the first version of an embedded on-disk key-value store written in Go. The store is about 10 times faster than LevelDB for random lookups. I'll explain why it's faster, but first let's talk about the reason why I decided to create my own key-value store.
Why another key-value store? #
I needed a store that could map keys to values with the following requirements:
The number of keys was large and I couldn't keep the items in memory (that would require switching to more expensive server instance type).
Low latency. I wanted to avoid network overhead if it was possible.
I needed to rebuild the mapping once a day and then access it in read-only mode.
The sequential lookup performance wasn't important, all I cared about was random lookup performance.
There are plenty of open-source key-value stores - the most popular are LevelDB, RocksDB and LMDB. Also there are some key-value stores implemented in Go - e.g. Bolt, goleveldb (port of LevelDB) and BadgerDB.
I tried to use LevelDB and RocksDB in production, but unfortunately, the observed results didn't meet the performance requirements.
The stores I mentioned above are not optimized for a specific use case - they are general-purpose solutions. For example, LevelDB supports range queries - allows iterating over keys in lexicographic order, supports caching, bloom filters and many other nice features, but I didn't need any of those features. The common implementation of key-value stores is based on tree algorithms. Usually it's B+ trees or LSM trees. Both data structures always require several I/O operations per lookup.
A hash table with a constant average lookup time seemed like a better choice. At least in theory a hash table beats a tree for my use case, so I decided to implement a simple on-disk hash table and benchmark it against LevelDB.
File layout #
Pogreb uses two files to store keys and values.
Index file #
The index file holds the header followed by an array of buckets.
| header |
| bucket 0 |
| ... |
| bucket N |
Bucket #
Each bucket is an array of slots plus an optional file pointer to an overflow bucket. The number of slots in a bucket is hardcoded to 28 - that is the maximum number of slots that is possible to fit in 512 bytes.
| slot 0 |
| ... |
| slot N |
| overflow bucket offset |
Slot #
A slot contains the hash, the size of the key, the value size and a 64-bit offset of the key/value pair in the data file.
| key hash |
| key size |
| value size |
| key/value offset |
Data file #
The data file stores keys, values, and overflow buckets.
Algorithm #
Pogreb uses the Linear hashing algorithm which grows the index file one bucket at a time instead of rebuilding the whole hash table.
Initially, the hash table contains a single bucket (N=1).
Level L (initially L=0) represents the maximum number of buckets on a logarithmic scale the hash table can have. For example, a hash table with L=0 contains between 0 and 1 buckets; L=3 contains between 4 and 8 buckets.
S is the index of the "split" bucket (initially S=0).
Collisions are resolved using bucket chaining method. Overflow buckets are stored in the data file and form a linked list.
Lookup #
Position of the bucket in the index file is calculated by applying a hash function to the key:
Index file
| bucket 0 | Bucket
| ... | +------------------------------+
h(key) -> | bucket X | -> | slot 0 ... slot Y ... slot N |
| ... | +------------------------------+
| bucket N | |
+----------+ |
Data file
| key-value |
To get the position of the bucket:
Hash the key (Pogreb uses the 32-bit version of MurmurHash3).
Use 2L bits of the hash to get the position of the bucket - hash % math.Pow(2, L).
If the calculated position comes before the split bucket S, the position is hash % math.Pow(2, L+1).
The lookup function reads a bucket at the given position from the index file and performs a linear search to find a slot with the required hash. If the bucket doesn't contain a slot with the required hash, but the pointer to the overflow bucket is non-zero, the overflow bucket is checked. The process continues until the required slot is found or until there is no more overflow buckets for the given key. Once a slot with the required key is found, pogreb reads the key/value pair from the data file.
The average lookup requires two I/O operations - one is to find a slot in the index file and another one is to read the key and value from the data file.
Insertion #
Insertion is performed by adding the key/value pair to the data file and updating a bucket in the index file. If the bucket has all of its slots occupied, a new overflow bucket is created in the data file.
Split #
When the number of items in the hash table exceeds the load factor threshold (70%), the split operation is performed on the split bucket S:
A new bucket is allocated at the end of the index file.
The split bucket index S is incremented.
If S points to 2L, S is reset to 0 and L is incremented.
The items from the old split bucket are separated between the newly allocated bucket and the old split bucket by recalculating the positions of the keys in the hash table.
The number of buckets N is incremented.
Removal #
The removal operation lookups the bucket by key, removes the slot from the bucket, overwrites the bucket and then adds the offset of the key/value pair to the free list.
Free list #
Pogreb maintains a list of blocks freed from the data file. The insertion operation tries to find a free block in the free list first before extending the data file. The free list implementation uses the "best-fit" algorithm for allocations. The free list can perform basic defragmentation by merging the adjacent free blocks.
Choosing the right load factor #
The load factor is the ratio of the number of current items in the hash table to the number of total slots available. The load factor determines the point when the hash table should grow the index file. If the load factor is too large it can lead to a big number of overflow buckets. At the same time, a small load factor wastes a lot of space in the index file, which can also be a bad thing for the hash table performance because it leads to a poor caching.
For example, Python's dict load factor equals to ~66%, Java's HashMap uses 75% by default, in Go's map it's 65%.
Here is the benchmark results for different load factor values:
load factor |
reads per second |
index size (MB) |
0.4 |
909488 |
45 |
0.5 |
908071 |
35 |
0.6 |
909977 |
30 |
0.65 |
921098 |
27.5 |
0.7 |
921432 |
25 |
0.75 |
910038 |
23.5 |
0.8 |
862662 |
22 |
0.9 |
731267 |
19.5 |
0.7 is a clear winner here.
Memory-mapped file #
Both index and data files are stored entirely on disk. The files are mapped into the process's virtual memory space using the mmap syscall on Unix-like operating systems or using the CreateFileMapping WinAPI function on Windows.
Switching from a regular file I/O to mmap for lookup operations gave nearly 100% performance boost.
Durability #
Pogreb makes an important assumption - it assumes that all 512-byte sector disk writes are atomic. Each bucket is precisely 512 bytes and all allocations in the data file are 512-byte aligned. The insertion operation doesn't overwrite the old data in the data file - it writes a new key/value pair first, then updates the bucket in-place in the index file. If both operations are successful, the space allocated by the old key/value is added to the free list.
Pogreb doesn't flush changes to disk (fsync operation) automatically. Data that is not flushed may be lost in case of power loss. However, application crash shouldn't cause any issues. There is an option to make Pogreb fsync changes to disk after each write - set BackgroundSyncInterval to -1. Alternatively DB.Sync can be used at any time to force the OS to write the data to disk.
Concurrency #
Pogreb supports multiple concurrent readers and a single writer - write operations are guarded with a mutex.
The API is similar to the LevelDB API - it provides methods like Put, Get, Has, Delete and supports iteration over the key/value pairs (the Items method):
package main
import (
func main() {
// Opening a database.
db, err := pogreb.Open("example", nil)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// Writing to a database.
err = db.Put([]byte("foo"), []byte("bar"))
if err != nil {
// Reading from a database.
val, err := db.Get([]byte("foo"))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s", val)
// Iterating over key/value pairs.
it := db.Items()
for {
key, val, err := it.Next()
if err == pogreb.ErrIterationDone {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s %s", key, val)
Unlike LevelDB's iterator, Pogreb's iterator returns key/value pairs in an unspecified order - you get constant time lookups in exchange for losing range and prefix scans.
All API methods are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
Performance #
I created a tool to benchmark Pogreb, Bolt, goleveldb and BadgerDB. The tool generates a given number of random keys (16-64 byte length) and writes random values (128-512 byte length) for the generated keys. After successfully writing the items, pogreb-bench reopens the database, shuffles the keys and reads them back.
The benchmarks were performed on a DigitalOcean droplet with 8 CPUs / 16 GB RAM / 160 GB SSD + Ubuntu 16.04.3:

Conclusion #
Choosing the right data structure and optimizing the store for the specific use case (random lookups) allowed to make Pogreb significantly faster than similar solutions.
Pogreb on Github - https://github.com/akrylysov/pogreb.